Customized Program Examples
USAID, Colombia (2022) – The Center provided a keynote presentation for 100 nonprofit and business leaders on leading systems change at the launch of a new 3-year cross-sector program.
U.S. Department of State, Middle East Partnership Initiative (2016-present) – The Center provides trainings in program design, needs assessments, program evaluation and contingency planning for MEPI’s Student Leaders Program. In 2020, the Center is helping design new programs for alumni, which are being offered online.
U.S. Embassy, Czech Republic (2020) – The Center provided online trainings for forty NGO leaders on strategic communications, narrative framing, and advocating for systems change.
Grantmakers in Health (GIH) (2016-present) – The Center designed a day-long leadership development training for GiH’s Terrance Keenan Institute for Emerging Leaders in Health Philanthropy.
Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) (2018) – Based on a needs assessment of CAIR chapters around the country, the Center created a week-long Leadership Development Program to build the capacity of 25 CAIR chapters.
Prosperity Now and JPMorgan Chase (2016-2017) – The Center designed the Building High-Impact Nonprofits of Color Program with a focus on strengthening organizations working on bridging the racial wealth divide. This innovative multi-disciplinary program took the first steps to address racial wealth inequality in four cities around the country – Baltimore, Chicago, Miami and New Orleans – utilizing research, data analytics, capacity building, and network development to strengthen the sustainability and impact of participating local organizations.
U.S. Embassies, Hungary and Romania (2017) – The Center developed customized NGO Management trainings for NGO leaders in Bucharest, Romania and Budapest, Hungary. The trainings focused on fundraising for sustainability and high-impact volunteer management.
Jane Goodall Foundation (2016) – The Center developed a customized 2-day training for the Jane Goodall Foundation’s field officiers on program design, evaluation and grant writing. Participants came from Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Canada, China, DRC, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, and the United Kingdom.
Federacion Antioquena de ONG, Medellin, Colombia (2015) – The Center developed a customized 4-day NGO Management Certificate Program for 42 leaders of organizations recruited by Federacion Antioquena de ONG. The topics covered were: characteristics of high-impact NGOs, strategic planning, impact evaluation, cross-sector partnerships, governance, human resources management, and resource and fund development.
U.S. Embassy and Consular Officies, China (2014) – The Center developed customized NGO Management trainings for over 330 Chinese NGO leaders in eight cities in China. The program included workshops, public lectures, and individual consultations. The topics covered were: project management, program evaluation, fundraising, grant writing, overview of NGOs in the USA, and characteristics of high-impact NGOs.
U.S. Department of State, Mongolia (2013) – The Center provided expertise in NGO Management during a week-long set of meetings and trainings at the request of the U.S. Embassy in Ulan Bator, Mongolia. The program included a day-long workshop on NGO Management for 50 NGO leaders, a meeting with journalists to discuss the role of the media in covering the work of NGOs, a meeting with the government department mandated to work with NGOs to discuss best practices, site visits to NGOs, and television and newspaper interviews.
Jessie Ball duPont Fund (2002-2013) – In a partnership with the Jessie Ball duPont Fund in Jacksonville, Florida, the Center provides customized Executive Institutes for the foundation’s 152 grantees. Through the Institutes, executive directors, board members and senior staff strengthen their leadership skills and develop new strategies to address the needs of their organizations and those they serve.
USAID, Panama (2012) – The Center provided a Train-the-Trainer NGO Strengthening Program for the first NGO Management Certificate in Panama. The training for 20 Certificate faculty included information on curriculum development and interactive training techniques. CPNL partnered with USAID, the University of Louisville, Alcance Positivo, Banco General, United Way International and Sumarse to make the training and Certificate possible.
National Urban League (2011-2012) – The Center developed a customized training for the CEO’s of the National Urban League’s affiliate organizations during its 2011 Whitney M. Young Jr. Leadership Development Conference and its 2012 New CEO Orientation. The leadership training focused on the Urban Leagues’ business acumen track, providing participants with new skills and strategies for board governance and financial management.
National Hispana Leadership Institute (2010-2012) – The Center developed a customized curriculum to prepare emerging Latina professionals to take on leadership roles within the nonprofit sector. The training, offered in partnership with the National Hispana Leadership Institute, is funded by American Express, as part of the Advancing Latina Leaders in Nonprofits Program.
Qatar Foundation, Reach Out to Asia (2008) – The Center provided nonprofit leadership and management training to the staff of the Qatar Foundation’s Reach Out to Asia (ROTA) program. ROTA focuses on community development projects in Asia with specific emphasis on promoting global responsibility for quality primary education.
Parents Circle Families Forum (2008) – In an ongoing partnership between Georgetown University and the Parents Circle Families Forum (PCFF), the Center provides capacity-building training and support. The regionally-based PCFF assists bereaved Israeli and Palestinian families in an effort to promote reconciliation.
United Way of America (2006-2007) – In partnership with the United Way of America (UWA) and the Center for Lobbying in the Public Interest, the Center offered a series of Public Policy Engagement Institutes for CEOs and senior staff of UWA’s affiliate organizations. Working with faculty coaches, participants designed public policy implementation plans for their respective organizations.
Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation (2006-2007) – As part of the Truman Scholar Leadership Week in Washington, DC, the Center designed a learning experience to expose the Scholars to the work of nonprofits, leaders in the field, and volunteer and career opportunities.
International Monetary Fund (2005) – The Center provided members of the International Monetary Fund’s Community Outreach and Civic Grants Program with training in current trends and practices related to grant proposal evaluation.
District of Columbia (2004) – At the invitation of the District of Columbia Mayor’s Office, the Center provided financial management training for local nonprofit graduates of the Strengthening Partners Initiative of the Mayor’s Office of Partnerships and Grants Development.