Pablo Eisenberg Public Interest Fellows

The endowed Pablo Eisenberg Public Interest Fellowship was created in 2006 to honor the work of McCourt School of Public Policy Senior Fellow Pablo Eisenberg. The fellowships are from September 15, 2024 through April 30, 2025, and are administered by McCourt’s Center for Public and Nonprofit Leadership (CPNL). The fellowships, ranging from $8,000 to $10,000, are awarded to McCourt students who have demonstrated a strong commitment to social justice and systems change through their work and volunteer experience. Students will provide research and project management support to the CPNL leadership team.
Qualifications: Currently enrolled or new admit who has confirmed enrollment as a full-time student at McCourt. Demonstrated experience in, and commitment to, social justice and systems change. Excellent research and writing skills are required. Students of color are encouraged to apply.
Application: The following materials, which should be collated into one PDF document, are due via email to Dr. Kathy Kretman, CPNL Director at, no later than Wednesday, April 24 at 5:00pm ET:
- Unofficial copies or photocopies of official transcripts
- A biographical resume or curriculum vita
- A one-page statement describing the applicant’s academic and work/volunteer experience in the nonprofit sector, particularly related to social and racial justice issues, and interest in the Fellowship.
Timeline: Applicants will be notified about the Fellowship awards by May 17, 2024.
Questions: Please contact Dr. Kretman at if you have any questions.
The fellows for the 2023-2024 academic year are:
- Natalie Sandoval (2023-2024) – Center for Public & Nonprofit Leadership
- Daniela Mengesha (2023-2024)- Center for Public & Nonprofit Leadership
Past fellows include:
- Sade Cole (2022-2023) – Center for Public & Nonprofit Leadership
- Hyla Jacobson (2022-2023) – Center for Public & Nonprofit Leadership
- Ashley Wich (2022-2023) – Center for Public & Nonprofit Leadership
- Calista MacHarrie (2019-2020) – Center for Public & Nonprofit Leadership
- Gabrielle Rogoff (2019-2020) – Community Change
- Ashley Pollard (2018-2019) – Center for Public & Nonprofit Leadership
- Steven Swann (2018-2019) – Center for Public & Nonprofit Leadership