25th Anniversary of the Center for Public and Nonprofit Leadership

Posted in News Story
The 2021-2022 academic year is the 25th Anniversary of the Center for Public and Nonprofit Leadership. To mark the occasion, we invite you to participate in our year-long “Democracy at Risk” series of conversations that will inform the next 25 years of the Center’s work with nonprofit, philanthropic and public sector leaders to strengthen our communities, nation and world.
Below is information on two of our events that will take place this fall. You will be able to find additional materials and resources on our website throughout the year.
We hope you will join us.

Protecting Democracy: Making Every Vote and Voice Matter – Thursday, September 30th, 4:00pm RSVP here: https://bit.ly/voteandvoice
A Call for Reform of Private Foundations to Address the Race-based Wealth Gap – Thursday, November 4th, 4:00pm – Save the Date