Educational Programs for Donors: Where Are We Today?
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APRIL 25, 2013 – In connection with the upcoming forum “Giving Boldly and Strategically,” the Center for Public & Nonprofit Leadership at Georgetown Public Policy Institute commissioned a study of the landscape of educational offerings for donors nationally. Visiting Practitioners Louise Sawyer, J.D. and Diana Paolitto, Ed.D. authored the resulting working paper, “Educational Programs for Donors: Where are we today?” which is available for download for free by clicking here.
This working paper examines the need for and importance of philanthropy education for donors who increasingly seek to learn how to make the best use of philanthropic resources with the greatest impact in our communities. Philanthropy as an idea and a practice is more widely discussed now than at any time in our history, especially in light of the well-documented growth of philanthropic resources in our country. This working paper reviews the growing variety of educational programs and resources available to individual donors, including those at colleges and universities, with a specific focus on what makes donor education programs effective.