Advancing Racial Equity Within Nonprofit Organizations

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The Center for Public and Nonprofit Leadership at Georgetown University spent the 2017-2018 academic year researching how nonprofit organizations are advancing racial equity within their boards and staff. Through in-depth interviews, focus groups and a survey, more than 200 nonprofit and philanthropic leaders contributed to this research project. We are pleased to share the results in this report and hope that the practical examples and lessons learned will aid nonprofits, and those organizations that support them, in strengthening and continuing their racial equity work. This report highlights the findings from our survey and provides replicable models, recommended resources and practical advice from our interviews and focus groups. We conclude with some suggested next steps, for nonprofits as well as for funders and trainers. We hope the report provides inspiration and guidance for future work on racial equity in the Washington, D.C. region and beyond.
View a summary of the report.
View the full report.