What qualities are you looking for in applicants?
Applicants should hold a Bachelor’s degree or have comparable work experience. All applicants should have at least five years of professional or management experience.
How long does it take to complete the program?
The Certificate Program consists of eight days of online classes, with an additional month to complete the capstone management project.
When are classes held?
The Spring Certificate Program is held on February 8-10, March 7-9 and April 11-12, 2024. The Summer Program is held June 8-15, 2024. Class begins at 9:00am eastern time and ends at 5:00pm eastern time.
Where are the classes held?
The Spring 2024 classes will be held online via Zoom. The Summer 2024 classes will be held at Georgetown University, 3700 O Street NW, Washington, DC 20057.
What types of people are enrolled?
Most Certificate students are individuals in mid- to senior-level management positions in the nonprofit sector, board members, government and foundation grantmakers, career transitioners and others working with nonprofit and philanthropic organizations.
How many people do you accept?
CPNL accepts approximately 45 students for each Certificate Program.
What is the cost of the program?
Tuition is $5,600 and the application fee is $35.
Is scholarship funding available for this program?
Scholarships are available, but are reserved for students with the greatest financial need. If you are interested in a scholarship, please submit a one or two paragraph letter, addressed to Dr. Kathy Kretman, Director of the Center for Public & Nonprofit Leadership, detailing your need for financial assistance. This letter should be accompanied by a copy of your latest 1040 tax return statement and the current annual budget of the organization where you work. International applicants are welcome to apply for a scholarship and can submit proof of annual income in place of a 1040 tax return.
What kind of credit do I receive for the program?
The Certificate Program is a graduate level course of study. Students receive 6.4 continuing education units (CEUs) for the Certificate Program.
How extensive are the readings and assignments for the program?
The program is designed for working professionals and the readings and assignments are developed accordingly. Participants receive readings a month before each session to provide ample time for review. Certificate participants are asked to complete one short assignment (one to three double-spaced pages) and the capstone management project. The capstone project is due one month after the last day of class.
Who should write my recommendation letter?
The recommendation letter should be written by an individual, preferably a current or recent employer, who can comment on the applicant’s leadership experience and his/her ability to successfully complete the certificate program.
How can I find out more about the program?
To find out more, or if you have further questions, please contact us at npmcert@georgetown.edu.